Ben Thompson


Feb 2012

I'm Ready For My Close-Up…

Every illustrator I know has an unquenchable need to acquire and surround themselves with those things that serve as a source of inspiration. For most of us this means never having enough bookshelf space to house the seemingly endless influx of books we simply "need" to have. For others it is the amassing of objects that would serve beautifully as props in the right painting, (provided we could just get around to painting it). However all of us tend to build reference files on artists whose ability/style they admire, or aspire to.

While each of these collections provide for weighty topics on their own, lets take a brief look at some of the resources out there where we can find high quality reproductions of some pretty amazing art.

Q&A With "The Art Order"

After last weeks novella of a post I decided to keep it short this week. I tend to be a bit wordy when writing, and I am mindful of the need to give both you and I a breather from time to time!

I recently had the pleasure to be interviewed alongside the very talented Scott Fischer by my good friend Randy Gallegos in his inaugural post on the very informative and respected blog “The Art Order”. Since the interview went live yesterday I wanted to take the opportunity to mention this blog as it happens to be one that I have followed for some time now. Many of you may already be avid readers or regular posters on The Art Order, but for those of you who are only just now hearing about it: Enjoy!

Making the Site

One week has passed since the launch of the website and the most frequent questions posed to me continue to revolve around how the site itself was created. Since I had many of these same questions myself when setting out on this marathon, I figured this would make for a great first discussion. This is also a question that provides our first opportunity to look at a valuable tool for the visual communicators out there.

I should make the disclaimer up front that as the author of this blog, any tools and or resources that are referenced or otherwise enthusiastically discussed here are so only because I feel they are beneficial. I am in no way paid by, nor do I professionally endorse their products or services.

So here we go!

A Blog…Really?

It was not long ago that I thought much the same when hearing various friends say that they were going to begin keeping a blog. For the life of me I couldn’t think of how one would put such a blog to good use, or who would even be interested in the outcome. Since then I have found that many of these individuals can count me among their avid readers, and I am as entertained and educated in the reading of them as the next person. This is not to say that I have suddenly come into a wealth of knowledge that I just HAVE to share, but rather gained a wider appreciation of an outlet that I would have leapt on had it been available to me as a fan of all things art in my early years.
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